Monday, February 20, 2012


Kolkata: 42-year-old Jeeja Ghosh, a woman suffering from cerebral palsy, was allegedly asked to deplane a SpiceJet flight at the Kolkata airport on Monday. A report in the national daily 'The Indian Express' said that the pilot mistook the passenger for a mentally challenged patient.
Madam Jeeja Ghosh, who teaches at Kolkata's Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, was on her way to Goa.
Apologising for the incident, the SpiceJet management said, "We deeply apologise for the inconvenience caused to the passenger and express regret for the incident. The matter will be investigated and action will be taken."
That apology, however, is not going to be good enough. Ghosh wants a public apology from the captain.
"I went to the airport and I checked in. I asked for assitance. They gave me assitance. And then I boarded the flight. And I went and sat on my seat. And then I got to know that it was the pilot who had a problem with me. I think he doesn't deserve to be called a human being."
Ghosh wants the captain to be served a showcause notice.
"I was travelling to Goa alone which I do most of the times. I went to the airport, got my boarding pass. And I boarded. Suddenly there was a big commotion. One of the crew came up and said I have get down. I said why, why the hell should I. No reason. Other passengers said why are you troubling her, she is fine. But I was deplaned. I got to know that the pilot had the problem."
She added, "I was humiliated, I was insulted. It is very demoralising for us. We are trying to change but we find that we have done nothing. We have the same problems. Why was I asked to get down? Why? Because I have a visible disability? But what if anyone with a bad heart condition boards, then? How will they ensure that? How? Should everyone be made to pass a medical test?"
"How am I different? I am doing the same amount of work as anybody else. I am exactly like anyone else. I may have some difficulties. Nothing more than that."
Ghosh said she was considering taking legal action. "We will be consulting lawyers," she said.
"I want SpiceJet to take action. Either they showcause that captain or he gives a public apology to the media, to me and the entire disability community."

Comments :  Bindumadhav Katti

I am shocked to read this article. I would like to shout a Shame on Spice Jet authorities
and shame on the pilot for this in human act. Air India is an airline who
respects human lives of every kind. Maharajah hospitality is an unique
experience. Human Deformity is not a subject for laughter.

I am suffering from severe Cerebral Palsy by birth and travel by Air India flight
several time. Air India has not only recruited me but has given me an equal opportunity
to lead my life with dignity.  On the recommendations of Air India, I was awarded a National Award, from the hands of then Hon’ble president of India Dr Abdul Kalam for being the Best Employee of
the Nation in the year 2005.  

I strongly object to the pilot's inhuman comments, that the passengers suffering with
cerebral palsy are mentally retarded.  How can the pilot decide on some body's medical conditions?
We prefer to dis-agree with people who behave inhuman towards persons with different abilities.

Ghosh is a teacher at Kolkata's Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy and a frequent flier
across the country and abroad. She deserves a National Salute and not disembarkation,
for her contribution to the society at large. 
Our country needs more of Madam Ghosh like people and less of the shameful pilots.
The airlines and the pilot will receive the deserving returns from GOD.

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