Saturday, October 13, 2012

Anita helps people through challenging times

In 2002, Anita was in her final year of an Occupational Therapy degree at university when she realised she wanted to go down the path of vocational rehabilitation; helping people with a disability, injury or health condition to get and keep a job. Anita knew of CRS Australia as a leading provider in this field and Anita was highly interested in working for us.
Anita started working at CRS Australia in January 2003 and now works at the Maroochydore office. Her role largely involves meeting with CRS Australia job seekers to help them to work out their career direction, learn ways to manage their disability and get them a job.
She focuses on discovering job seekers' skills, experience and possible career options, and helps them to manage their disability and maximise employment opportunities.
She also keeps abreast of the local labour market and the types of job vacancies available to pin point those that align with her job seekers’ employment goals.
'I focus on getting a really good job match pretty quickly, because when I get that right the rest generally follows,' says Anita.
For Anita, the best part about working at CRS Australia is seeing job seekers reach their employment goal. As Anita explains, 'I receive much satisfaction from helping job seekers succeed in obtaining employment. In particular, when job seekers have been out of work for a long time, or have multiple barriers to getting a
job - it's so rewarding to see them get there in the end'.
'I receive much satisfaction from helping job seekers succeed in obtaining employment.'
Anita, Rehabilitation Consultant
As an Occupational Therapist, Anita also delivers injury management and prevention services for employers to help them provide their staff with healthy and safe workplaces. She helps injured workers to get back to work by developing tailored return to work plans in conjunction with an employer.
Anita says, 'It's great working at CRS Australia. My work is so varied and I get to help people through challenging times and see the results at the end of it'.

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